今年も牡蠣カレー始めます Now serving oyster curry this year too

冬季限定メニューの牡蠣カレーを11 / 1 (水) より始めます。





This year as well, we will be serving oyster curry, a winter limited menu, starting Wed., 1 Nov., 2023.

A spice curry with a rich oyster extract.

The scent of the sea spreads in your mouth.

Please enjoy the combination with the fragrant long pepper.

Oyster curry is a winter special.

We look forward to your visit.

Spice & Co.

スパイスで体をもっと元気に! スパイスをテーマに、美味しくて体にいいお料理を作っています Let's make your body more healthy with the power of spices! Under the theme of spices, we make delicious and healthy dishes.


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